The same applies if your raid healer has the debuff. Effective at tank healing through the sheer number of absorbs they pump out, they can pick up tank healing during Sindragosa's Unchained Magic for example, if the paladin is afflicted by the debuff. A disc priest is also highly capable of picking up one role or the other. Your goal is support both of these healers and, well, glue everything together. You're generally going to be grouped up with a holy paladin and then either a holy priest, a restoration shaman, or a restoration druid. In 10 mans, a discipline priest is best viewed as the glue that keeps the healing together.

Dispel magic, available to all priests, is also the most efficient magic dispel for single targets. Via the Focused Power talent, they are able to cast a Mass Dispel in under a half a second. -They are the most efficient magic dispeller in the game.Though shielding (Absorbing) has been around for a long while now, it has only become very prevalent during Wrath of Lich King and many view it as mandatory to have discipline priest in 25 man raids.

-They are the ONLY class in the game that effectively uses absorbs on a large scale.

Note that they DO NOT stop environmental damage that is unavoidable, such as falling.
Power Word: Shield and Divine Aegis, the staples of a discipline priest, are each consumed before health is lost via mob damage.